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  1. What is the place value of 2 in 754.0234?
  1. What is the place value of 6 in 854.0264?
  1. What is the place value of 3 in 54.9235?
  1. What is the place value of 7 in 0.0734?
  1. What is the place value of 4 in 12,678.0234?
  1. What is the digit in the ten thousandths’ place in 21.0234?
  1. What is the digit in the tenths’ place in 12.3876?
  1. What is the digit in the hundredths’ place in 462.2398?
  1. What is the digit in the thousandths’ place in 49,000.8261?

10 What is the digit in the tenths’ place in 19.5186?


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