Nouns are the names of persons, places or things. Proper nouns are those with capital letters: Paris, John, English, Australia are all proper nouns. If a word belongs with ‘the’ or ‘a’, such as ‘the apple’ or ‘a tree’, it is a noun. Nouns can also belong to someone or something: ‘the dog’s collar’, or ‘my headache’.

Test your knowledge of nouns with this English quiz.

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Collective nouns signify groups, such as ‘team’, ‘group’, ‘orchestra’ or ‘herd’. You should be aware that there is more than one type of noun in English. 
See how much you have learned in your classes by playing the following quiz about collective nouns.

Find the correct collective noun for each of the following.

1. An ……. of ants.


2. A ……. of geese


3.A ……. of bees


4. A ……. of fish.


5.A ……. of porpoise.


6.A ……. of sheep.


7.A ……. of elephants.


8.A ……. of penguins.


9.A ……. of birds.


10.A ……. of flies.


Question 1 of 10