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Adverbs are used to modify other words. Adverbs add to the verb. In the sentence He shouted loudly to his friend’, the verb is ‘shouted’ and the adverb is ‘loudly’. The word ‘loudly’ adds to the verb.
Select the adverbs in the following sentences of our quiz on Adverbs

1.He ran quickly in last year’s race.


2.Use words effectively to produce interesting writing


3.Produce interesting writing consistently using adverbs


4.Interesting writing is produced by using adverbs well


5.Produce writing efficiently using adverbs well


6.Write efficiently using many adverbs effectively


7.Use many adverbs effectively to enhance your writing


8.Many interesting adverbs enhance writing appropriately.


9.He ran quickly last season but slowly this season.


10.He started slowly then ran quickly and finished early.


Question 1 of 10