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1.         Heat is transferred through a vacuum by

  1. The best procedure of separating a mixture of sand, maize and salt is  
  1. To stop a moving object, the force applied should be
  1. Which of the following pairs of processes

occurs when temperature decreases?

  1. Which of the following pairs of processes

occurs when temperature decreases?


6.         Which one of the following animals has scales on its body?

  1. The main reason why mothers are encouraged to breast feed their infants is because breast milk
  1. is easily digested by infants.

9.         Newton is the unit for measuring


10. Soil that is good for modelling has

  1. The following are processes that take place during birth in humans

(i) Dilation of the cervix

(W Contraction of the uterus

 (iii) Bursting of the amniotic bag

(iv) Pushing out of the baby

(v) Cutting of the umbilical cord

Which of the following is the correct order of the processes?


12. A farmer practicing stall feeding is likely to feed animals on


13. Which of the following statements is true


14. Which of the following materials are both opaque?



  1. Which one of the following pairs is a source of electricity?

16. Which of the following statements is true about cumulus clouds?      


17. Which of the following planets are in the 2nd and 6th positions from the sun?


17. Which of the following planets are in the 2nd and 6th positions from the sun?


18. In which of the following pairs of levers is the load, effort and fulcrum likely to be in similar positions when in use?              


19. Which of the following pairs is correctly classified into non-magnetic?

Magnetic              Non-magnetic


The following are uses of some components of air:

(i) germination

(ii) preserving soft drinks

(iii) electric bulbs component

(iv) burning.

21.Which two uses are for the that makes up 21% of air?


22.A pupil was walking towards the northern direction past an air strip and noticed a

windvane pointing to her right. In which direction was the wind blowing from?


24.Vaccines given at birth protect an infant against

  1. Farmers apply farm yard manure to the soil to
  1. Which pair of plants stores food in the roots?
  1. Which of the following food chains is correct?
  1. Which of the following groups of animal feeds mainly provides a diet of proteins,
  1. Which of the following groups of foods would provide nutrients suitable for a

child suffering from kwashiorkor?


32. Bilharzia can be prevented by


33.Which of the following uses of water are recreational only?


34.Which of the following statements about HIV infected persons is correct?

Infected persons

  1. Excessive use of herbicides and pesticides affect the soil by reducing the

36.Which of the following parts of the human breathing system are both involved in

cleaning, warming and moistening air?

  1. Which of the following pairs of livestock parasite control methods can control liver



38.In which of the following are the characteristics of solids and liquids

correctly matched?

Solids                                Liquids

  1. Which of the following groups of objects consists of only objects that would sink in



40.The following are reasons for fitting a tap near the bottom of a tank except



  1. The main reason why murram is placed on roads is to

42.Which of the following groups of products are correctly classified according to the

farm animals producing them?

Cattle                Sheep                   Goats

  1. The following processes are involved in the formation of a zygote in plants:(i) Growth ofp ollen tube

    (ii) Pollination

    (iii) Fusion

    (iv) Pollen tube breaks.

    The correct order of the processes is

  1. Which of the following only consists of energy giving foods?
  1. Which of the following statements describes soft water? Soft water

46.In an activity to investigate mixing of liquids, liquid P mixed with liquid Q.Liquid R did not mix with Liquid P and Liquid R mixed with cooking oil.

Which one of the following correctly represents liquids P, Q and R?

P                         Q                           R

  1. Which one of the following pairs of materials will pollute soil?

In a certain investigation pupils used a straight pipe to observe a candle flame.

They then bent the pipe and observed again.

Which aspect of light was being investigated?


50.A pupil was blindfolded and asked to listen as a bell was rang from different


Which aspect of sound was being investigated?


Question 1 of 46