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Exam Generator is a test generator that allows teachers to create professional quality exams, quizzes, and homework –ease with a mark scheme- in minutes. Questions are organized by topics and subtopics in the question bank, so finding the questions you need and creating an exam with the test generator software is fast and easy. This software package can produce a unique examination for either a Mock or End of Term test according to the random selection criteria outlined in the KCSE Syllabus.
Cost per subject @Ksh12, 000/=Inclusive of transport to your school to Install
A complete package of all subjects will cost Ksh. 70,000 Inclusive of transport to your school.
- Over 25,000 questions, answers
- Each question has a Bloom Taxonomy descriptor
- Generate Topic by Topic notes
- Generate Topical Videos
- Generate Schemes of work
- Generate Lesson plans
- Generate Topical tests
- Generate Form by form Tests
- Free Regular updates
For more information, call 0721589308
Email kcpekcse14@gmail.com