1.Which process decreases when the human body temperature decreases?


2.In thermoregulation, what would happen over a short period of time in each of these areas, if a person was placed in water at 15°C ?


  Peripheral circulation Sweat glands Liver Skeletal muscle
A Increased blood flow Increased secretion Decreased temperature Decreased shivering
B Decreased blood flow Decreased secretion Decreased temperature Increased shivering
C Decreased blood flow Increased secretion No change in temperature Increased shivering
D Decreased blood flow Decreased secretion No change in temperature Increased shivering



3.Where in the kidney does ultrafiltration take place?


4. The diagram shows how the body regulates glucose levels in the blood.


What is Y?


6.Which best describes the role of the kidney in homeostasis?


6.When a person moves from a cold room into a hot room, the following responses occur

1 The brain co-ordinates the response.

            2 The skin begins to secrete sweat.

            3 Sweat evaporates from the skin surface.

            4 Temperature receptors are stimulated in the skin

             What is the correct sequence of events?


7.What is a sign of diabetes mellitus?



8.The diagram shows a kidney and its associated vessels


Which structures have the most and least urea concentrations?


9. When we are too cold, these trap a layer of air for insulation.
10. This happens when it is cold in order to generate heat from respiration.

Question 1 of 10